Translated, this recipe name means cooked cream – see what you think. It originally came from Danny’s mother Beppina, she has it in her head – presumably it came to her from her mother and so on.
Pour all of the cream and most of the milk into a pan and begin to gently heat over a lowish flame.
Using the few tablespoons of milk reserved, in a small boil, mix in the tortagel and sugar, making sure that there are no lumps.
Add this mixture to the gently heating milk / cream mix and continue stirring.
Watch carefully, and just on the point of boiling, remove from the heat.
Pour it into some sort of appropriate mould, cool and then chill to set.
Just prior to serving, take a deep breath and ‘un-mould’ – I tend to hasten the delivery by briefly warming in hot water.
Once un-moulded, refrigerate until needed.
A good topping is great to conceal the ‘cock-ups’ you make while un-moulding.
I would select from the following: